June 25, 2021 – Contact Center Associations of Asia Pacific (CC-APAC) present Leaders Talk discussion by the theme “Role of Leader in Contact Center Change”. CC-APAC invited professional speakers to the Asia Pacific contact center.
One of the speakers is Lisa Widodo, Executive Vice President Operations from BLIBLI.COM. Lisa states that the e-commerce industry faces public behavior which wants everything fast and gets instant solutions. When the pandemic has happened in 2020, especially in Indonesia, everyone’s needs are increasing so we must particularly move and adapt with interactions. Lisa said that managing communications and the right agent to handle customers is the key to today’s contact center service.
Lisa shared that BLIBLI has a policy of following government regulation during this pandemic. Around 25% of customer care agents in BLIBLI still need to work from the office. According to that, the safety and health of agents are becoming their priority now.
Leaders in BLIBLI do management in millennial ways which concern connecting each other by communicating agents’ language and open mindset. Lisa said, do not think the way that leaders used to do things is the best, even though the company has 20+ years of experience. They should have an open mindset as a leader and listen to what agents think. To make it more fun and relevant to millennial generations, they optimize social media as the media to stay connect and give appreciation. In BLIBLI, social media such as Instagram is used for creating a monthly magazine just to share achievements over the other’s agent.
Lisa also shared that what is key to being a leader. She quotes a word from John Maxwell which relates to this current situation. The words are, “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” Then, Lisa concludes that attitude is key. As a leader, it doesn’t matter what you say, the matter is what you do and what your action is. She thinks that it is a privilege to be a leader, lead a team, manage a team, and have a responsibility. (ANF)