By Andi Anugrah, Chairman of ICCA Indonesia
As with our health conditions, there are times when we need to do a medical check-up. What do we want to know about our health? We can check blood sugar, heart, urine, lungs, or a complete medical check-up. Various examinations of our bodies can be examined and tested in the laboratory, ranging from taking urine samples to blood. Therefore, we can check the ability to breathe, sight, hearing, body movement, and other physical factor. Everything is done, then we can anticipate if there is a dangerous disease that requires early treatment.
What about contact center operations that run with routine service? Why we need to do a health check? What are the potential risks that interfere with contact center operations? That various questions must be answered, which requires us to observe or leave it to others and evaluate the health level of the contact center service routines that we do.
Routines that are already running can cause us to feel we are doing our service exactly then there is no room for improvement. Various factors are ignored and have posed a risk to the business, operations, legal, customers, and even financial and reputational risks. It will be irritative to the operations of the contact center if not addressed as soon as possible. Irritative in terms of high costs or potential lost revenue.
We must be able to detect various changes that occur internally that are detrimental. It could be because it has become a routine then we neglect to update information. We forget to do an internal audit, we forget to supervise recruitment, we forget to update the debriefing process, or we rarely train agents according to competency needs. It could be that the quality assessment report is not appropriate or forgets to supervise the service in real-time. We can also forget to monitor traffic calls, calculate the service level correctly, and negligent the scheduling process.
In addition, we must also pay attention to changes that occur in customers, technology, and employees. The dynamics of customer behavior that changes in line with the business competition need to be the reference for making business process improvements. Communication media is developing with various channels, then that we can serve are easier, effectively, and efficiently. The development of mobile apps, social media, robotics, artificial intelligence, and cloud technology is a development that needs attention.
Likewise, the contact center does not stand alone in providing services. Contact centers need support from other work units for following up on problems encountered. Also providing helpful information for services. There are times when we forget to give reports according to the needs of other work units. The contact center is busy then they forget that the reports must be given and must be helpful for other work units.
Sometimes we are busy with routines. We forget that we have to make improvements for further development. Even when we feel better than other contact centers, we may be far behind. There’s just some creativity done out there that makes them better. With the accurate views of others, we can find the potential for improvement and development that we can do.
As long as we can open ourselves to getting input and being judged by others, there are opportunities for improvement. Various aspects can be observed, that is aspects of strategic objectives, service collaboration, availability of information, availability of business processes, and anticipation of change. Likewise, we must pay attention to the aspects of the availability of workforce, technology, and infrastructure and pay attention to performance measurement. We must not forget that we must pay attention to changing customer needs and expectations and how we can fulfill customer satisfaction.
The desire to carry out a health check expresses our desire to maintain the potential for developing our contact center to run well. Have you done a healthy check on the contact center? If not, plan now! (AA)