By Andi Anugrah, Chairman of ICCA Indonesia

If you get ten thousand customer data complete with phone numbers and email addresses, then what will you do with the data.
Hmm… think for a moment, and then you’ll try to find a business opportunity that can be done with that data. As long as the data used is obtained using the customer registering voluntarily.
One example is the service at the contact center. It is possible to record customer data who contacted the contact center, so the contact center can collect customer data and can be used for certain purposes. The availability of records in the service allows the agent to completely record customer needs and data.
Unfortunately, not many contact centers use customer data for the benefit of their business development. The data they collect only accumulates in the application and is rarely analyzed to obtain or know the needs of these customers. The availability of customer data and their needs will make it easier to build programs or products that can be offered.
Let’s ask the contact center manager, how many customers contact your contact center? Most of them will find it difficult to identify the number of customers who contact the contact center. Maybe they know the number of services such as the number of calls or the number of emails. However, many cannot identify the number of customers who use their products or services.
If a contact center receives 100,000 calls in a month, then we can identify how many customers are using the phone. It could be that only 20% of the callers are customers, the remaining 80% are the public. If many who contact are the public, it can mean that the contact center has been promoted well, so that many potential customers need this information or promotion.
On the other hand, if 80% of calling or contacting the contact center are customers, then the possibility of the contact center is only known to a limited extent. For this reason, the contact center must look at opportunities that can be done to reach other potential customers. Likewise, we must identify how many contact center users have used the service compared to all customers owned by the company. Thus, the contact center can promote itself to other customers to use the contact center. It can also be done proactively contacting certain customers so that the contact center can provide services or interact with customers.
The data owned by the contact center can be used to promote something proactively. This can be done with a telemarketing program and packaged with certain attractive product packages. Of course, to do this it is necessary to consider aspects of the benefits and costs that must be incurred. (AA)